Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation in Richmond, VA | Feel Your Best
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Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation at Rejuvenation Skin Lab

Votiva with Julie at Rejuvenation Skin Lab


Immediate Results + Continued Improvement Over Time

Votiva™ by Inmode is a ground-breaking device used for radio-frequency assisted vaginal tightening and pelvic floor strengthening. Vaginal laxity and dysfunction caused by childbearing, age, injury, genetic predisposition, and hormonal changes can all take a toll on women’s most private areas. Until recently, women have had to live with symptoms because the only options were inconvenient, invasive, ineffective, or sometimes risky.

Rejuvenation Skin Lab is proud to announce that we were the #1 Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation Provider in all of Virginia in 2023!

If you would like to learn more about Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation or any of our other medical spa services in Richmond, call (804) 924-4569 today.

Book a Votiva Consultation
CALL US TODAY: (804) 924-4569

Rejuvenation Skin Lab - Julie with Votiva


  • Experience Urinary stress incontinence (involuntary dripping of urine)
  • Experience vaginal laxity, dryness, or discomfort
  • Have trouble with vaginal lubrication or arousal
  • Have trouble enjoying intercourse
  • Have weakened vaginal muscles & pelvic floor
  • Experience pain during intercourse caused by labial hypertrophy
  • Experience low blood flow & reduced sensitivity with sex
  • Experience a sense of urgency
  • Experience Peezing – peeing when you cough, laugh, or sneeze
  • Have a low level of sexual interest & self-esteem
  • Display laxity & wrinkled appearance of the labia and vulva
  • Display a loosened vaginal canal especially after child birth
  • Suffer from UTIs
  • Suffer from Lichen Sclerosus


The CO2 Lift V is Carboxy Therapy that enhances all the benefits of Votiva and can be used in conjunction with supportive treatment or maintenance. It tightens, firms, moisturizes, improves tone, and is non-invasive. Perfect for clients who have gone through menopause or chemotherapy. Patients suffering from Lichens Sclerosus will find incredible relief using this and/or Votiva!

Women are able to experience less peezing and more pleasure as well as regain control and confidence with Votiva giving it a 100% Worth It Rating ON REAL SELF*.


*According to 2023 Real Self data

Say hello to a simple, no-downtime treatment that has helped thousands of women experience less peezing and more pleasure. Giving birth, getting older, and losing a lot of weight can all contribute to poorly supported vaginal structures characterized by sagging, laxity, and discomfort. Both childbirth and aging can result in the widening of the vaginal canal, which contributes to decreased sensation and stimulation during sex as well as hypersensitivity, dryness, and pain. Stress incontinence or not being able to have full bladder control also pops up in response to childbirth and aging. Before Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation in Richmond, there were not many good options to address these problems – surgery, physical therapy, inconvenient creams, and wearing pads. You deserve to feel confident and healthy with quick, effective therapy.

Rejuvenation Skin Lab - Office Lounge

Book Appointment

Book a complimentary consultation for Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation with our Aesthetics RN, Julie Burkey. Upon graduation from Nursing School, Julie spent time as a Labor & Delivery Nurse, seeing firsthand how positively impactful treatments like Votiva can be. Being a newer mom herself, she wants to help empower moms to take care of themselves so they can pour from a full cup.


woman lounging on rock at ocean

It’s been two weeks now since I’ve had Votiva done, and I can see and feel a big difference across the board! It has literally been life-changing! No more black leggings or pads at the gym. All of a sudden certain positions are more pleasurable. I am a huge fan and am telling all my girlfriends!

–  LISA | AGE 39 

A woman jumping with confidence after receiving a Votiva treatment



It feels like a warm stone massage in the best of ways. During the session, your practitioner applies a small wand internally and externally to the treatment area that delivers safe, comfortable heat in the form of radiofrequency energy. Patients report feeling a warming sensation and a little pressure that is very tolerable.

How does it work?

Votiva uses gentle, controlled heating of tissue via radiofrequency energy to reduce pain, improve blood flow to the area, initiate the growth of healthy new nerves, and stimulate the muscle. It increases collagen in the vaginal canal, tightens it, strengthens the pelvic floor, improves bladder control, and increases natural lubrication. The actual treatment takes about 20-30 minutes. Improved comfort and sensitivity combined with a return to the tightness of younger anatomy are appealing results for most women… and their partners, too!

Does Votiva work right away or gradually?

The answer is BOTH! 

Blood flow to the area increases beginning with the first treatment, which often improves the color of the vulvar tissue and firmness of the labia. Many patients report enhanced internal tightness and increased moisture after the first treatment. Some report better bladder control soon after the initial treatment as well.

But vaginal rejuvenation is also a long-term process involving collagen remodeling and further pelvic floor tightening, which continues for weeks after the final treatment! Those final results last for about 12 months and can be maintained over a span of years with just a single, once-a-year treatment.

How many sessions are required?

We will determine the best course of therapy for you based on your individual concerns. The majority of patients have 3 sessions spaced 2 weeks apart, with a positive improvement being noted just after the first treatment.

How will I feel after? Any downtime?

There is no downtime short of abstaining from sexual activity 2 days following treatment. Most patients may have slight discomfort during and immediately after treatment. Some patients will experience no discomfort at all and report it as a pleasant and relaxing experience.

Quality results will be experienced immediately after treatment and increase between 2-3 weeks after the first treatment. There will be an improvement in vaginal tightening, sensation, and bladder control, and the external tissues will be restored. In the past, there was only one option, and that was vaginal surgery. Today, with our Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment in Richmond, women can experience this rejuvenation through a treatment that only lasts for 20-30 minutes.

I may want to have more children. can I still have Votiva treatments?

Votiva vaginal rejuvenation is for women of all ages and stages of life. We have women in their 20s to 70s who all benefit from Votiva in different ways based on their personal concerns. Women who have never been pregnant or who have had multiple children can all be candidates for Votiva.

Who performs the procedure?

We completely understand that talking about your sexual relationship and personal health concerns can be a little intimidating. No worries! At our inviting boutique office, the Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment is performed by our RN Julie Burkey. Julie’s background is in esthetics and as a labor and delivery nurse. She has been a champion for many women in their most intimate moments and is sure to put you at ease with her professionalism and warm personality. We provide complimentary consultations where you can get to know your practitioner as all of your questions and concerns will be addressed, followed by personalized treatment recommendations.

What do I need to do to prepare for the treatment?

  • Avoid intercourse 48 hours prior to treatment
  • Receive a normal PAP within the last 12 months
  • Hair should be shaved in area 2-4 days prior to procedure
  • You should not be actively menstruating
  • Avoid anticoagulants such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen 1-2 weeks prior to treatment
  • Discontinue any irritating topical agents 2-3 days prior to treatment
  • Drink plenty of water – radiofrequency energy loves hydrated cells

Does insurance cover this treatment?

If you’re interested in undergoing non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation you may be wondering if the procedure costs can be covered by your health insurance policy. After all, the treatment is designed to help minimize some chronic feminine concerns (including infections and discomfort during sex), plus it can even help with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) symptoms.

Unfortunately, most insurance companies won’t cover the cost of non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation, even if you’re seeking it out to relieve a health issue.

However, you may find that your FSA or HSA can be utilized for treatment. We recommend contacting your account provider for more information or simply plan to pay out of pocket.


Votiva Benefits
Votiva Benefits


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