Our Med Spa Blog Page | Rejuvenation Skin Lab
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Everything has a monthly payment plan these days: Netflix, my TJ Maxx card, gym memberships, etc. So why shouldn’t your skincare? We are so excited to announce that we now have Cherry Payment Plans available. Get treatment done today, pay later (with girl math it’s...

Fall Specials

Happy Fall Ya’ll! Don’t you just love this season, the crisp autumn air, the smell of pumpkins and cinnamon and wearing comfy sweaters. It’s also the perfect time to fix damage to your skin caused by that summer sun! Here’s a look at everything we have going on this...

Have You Heard the News?

We have expanded our team to help continue to give you stellar care! Julie Burkey, Aesthetic RNJulie comes to us as a former Master Aesthetician who was craving an elevated scope of practice to care for others and advanced her career becoming an RN. Excelling at her...